Our passion is technology. Sometimes all we need is to hangout with some crazy guys that share the same passion with us. That need was filled recently, in Larissa, Greece, the location of CML’s European HQ.
Across from the 1st Ancient Theater of Larissa, in the Linto Organisation, the 1st Larissa Dev Meetup was really happening. And yes, we were there! That evening more than 70 developers from all over the region of Thessaly were there to listen and talk about artificial intelligence and agile development, but most importantly, to share their ideas and expertise.
So, we grabbed a coffee, silenced our phones and we were ready to focus on the presentations:
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence
Stavros Vassos, adjunct professor at Sapienza University of Rome and lecturer at University of Thessaly, talked about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Maybe this sounds like it’s coming from another universe, but Stavros was clear, we use these every single day, in cases that might surprise you. Think about your selfies. Yes, your selfies. Do you see any face recognition? Bazinga! Your phone camera uses a machine learning algorithm to make your life easier.
Agile Development: Theory and Practice
Dimitris Balaouras, Software Architect & Development Consultant at CA Technologies, presented ways to achieve high productivity during development by using agile development. Dimitris focused on SCRUM method and Xtreme Programming, which are two of the best methods to monitor the progress of your project and efficiently use all your available resources. As an agency that really loves productivity, that talk was a confirmation to us and validated why we used agile even when it wasn’t a trend.
But the best part was not that. The very best part of this amazing meetup was that after the talks, we found ourselves near the Ancient Theater of Larissa eating tapas with a drink in our hand talking about new technologies, business and all these geeky stuff we really love.
After a few beers, CMLers were ready to give a statement:
“I really liked the Machine Learning presentation. I found it very interesting how many patterns we can use!” Nikos Polideropoulos
“Came for the Machine Learning presentation. Stayed for the beer and the people.” Dimitris Giouroukis
“What matters the most is that we had the opportunity to meet so many developers, and have amazing discussions, no matter their company.” George Raptis
“Great meetup! Looking forward for the next one! The Machine Learning presentation really caught my attention.” Panagiotis Rompolas
“These meetups are a great opportunity to share our passion and expertise. Both presentations were really good! Looking forward to the next meetup!” Sotiris Boukouvalas
“It was a great experience to be among talented and motivated people. We all share the same passion to achieve and learn more.” George Vasilakos
At this point we want to thank Dimitris, for organizing this meetup in his (not enough) free time. We are looking forward to the next meetup! More meetups to come!