Category: Web Design
Mission Possible: TYPO3 CMS Transforms How Two Nonprofits Serve Their Causes Thanks to Customized Extensions
TYPO3, (our all-time favorite) open source content management system is changing the game for nonprofits. With a strong open source architecture that ...
Top 3 Pros and Cons of Parallax Scrolling
Thinking about using a parallax scrolling effect on your site? The effect has been gaining popularity on websites for a couple of years now and, used ...
5 User Experience Mistakes to Avoid
Here at customedialabs, we know good UX design! Of course, that also means we know bad UX design when we see it. Sometimes, it is a little mistake tha ...
The Importance of a Fluid, Responsive Website Design
When shopping for a new car, you test-drive it down busy city streets and high-speed freeways. Home buyers often tour the home on a sunny day, then st ...
Content Management Systems: Why You Need One, And Why You’ll Love It
They say – and we'd be apt to agree – that content is king. And that's why it deserves some special treatment. You wouldn't throw your king out there ...
Optimization with Continuous Integration
As an agency grows and its talent reservoir expands, as it has dramatically for customedialabs, so can the challenges associated with a collaborative ...
4 Questions to Ask Before Building a Mobile Application
As healthcare professionals increasingly turn to smart phones and tablets to access information on the go, mobile has evolved into one of today’s most ...
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Going Mobile
Everyone is rushing to jump on the mobile bandwagon. Mobile is a platform that we carry with us all the time which provides an invaluable opportunity ...
Designing with User Experience in Mind
Some of you may not have ever heard the term user experience before. Others might be familiar with it, and maybe some of you fully understand it. What ...