Category: Technology
Virtual events: Pros and Cons
The Covid-19 pandemic affected the event world more than anything else in the last decades. Hundreds of events have been canceled or postponed costin ...
Mission Possible: TYPO3 CMS Transforms How Two Nonprofits Serve Their Causes Thanks to Customized Extensions
TYPO3, (our all-time favorite) open source content management system is changing the game for nonprofits. With a strong open source architecture that ...
The Irony of Big Data
In today’s digital marketing environment, big data is big business. Spend any time in the marketing blogosphere or reading the trade pubs this month a ...
5 Reasons We Build with TYPO3
There are a lot of options for a Content Management System so, as Head of Back-End Development, I am sometimes asked why we choose to architect with T ...
Our favorite Content Management System: TYPO3
When creating websites for our clients, many times we’re asked about the work involved in maintaining and updating the site. Here at customedialabs, w ...
Mobile App Write Once,Deploy Anywhere: Not Quite There Yet
aka: Adobe AIR 2.7 VS Titanium Appcelerator
Recently there's been a lot of discussion in the mobile development world about Code once-Run anywhere ...
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