When You Ignore SEO, Rankings Will Ignore You Too!

When You Ignore SEO, Rankings Will Ignore You Too!

So, you have invested in a fancy website which includes everything that will help your company grow on the web. You were excited for the launch… and then? Is it worthwhile if no one ever sees it? A strong SEO strategy is the only way to stand out among the 1,166,596,627 and counting websites on the Internet. Otherwise, your website (and investment) will be lost.

Search Engine Optimization is the methodology both search engines and users understand in order to define the content and the purpose of a website. Without SEO in place, potential visitors will struggle to find your website while they may easily find your competitors webpages. These are some of the main reasons why it is vital to include organic SEO components on your digital marketing checklist.

Is SEO dead?

Quite the contrary, SEO shines brighter than ever! Search engines still use SEO to figure out what each webpage is about, and why it may be useful for users. Higher search engine visibility continues to be extremely important due to the fact that it increases your company’s brand exposure while improving the volume of quality traffic and conversions to your website.

Content is not enough …

Which search engines do people in your target market use? Google leads the web search race; there is no question. Nevertheless, there are other popular search engines as well, such as Bing, Yahoo! Search and Ask. Search engines’ algorithms evaluate a list of factors when looking at your website to decide its position on the search result pages.

High-quality content and responsive design are not the only ranking factors. Evergreen content helps boost visitors’ trust and engagement, but how would they find your website in the first place? A website that works properly across multiple platforms and has rich content is a great start but will not be found on its own on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

When you ignore SEO, ranking will ignore you too

Content cannot be successful without SEO. Your website doesn’t have to be content-heavy to rank better. The content on your website should be fresh, unique and useful to your visitors. Semantically related keywords on the right webpages have a huge impact on both user experience and pagerank. This is remarkably different from trying to take advantage of Google’s algorithms by using deceptive practices, such as keyword stuffing and/or misleading metadata.

Some other crucial ranking factors are metadata, page speed, mobile friendliness, structured data, social media presence, optimal UX, backlinks etc.

From a SEO perspective, the best way to optimize your webpages and obtain a higher click through rate (CTR) is by combining on-page and off-page strategies designed to accomplish your website’s goal.

SEO is a never-ending process

As simple as it sounds, people will continue browsing the Internet via search engines. It is essential to keep up-to-date with the ever-changing search engine algorithms and follow the new rules. Seek the most effective ways to boost your SEO presence in order to improve traffic, value, return on investment (ROI) and ranking. Always keep in mind that SEO is still the most profitable and cost-effective away to succeed online.